Source code for hottbox.utils.validation.checks

import numpy as np
from hottbox.core.structures import Tensor
import itertools

[docs]def is_toeplitz_matrix(mat): """ Checks if ``matrix`` has a Toeplitz structure Parameters ---------- mat : np.ndarray Input array to check Returns ------- Boolean indicating if Toeplitz matrix """ n, m = mat.shape # Horizontal diagonals for off in range(1, m): if np.ptp(np.diagonal(mat, offset=off)): return False # Vertical diagonals for off in range(1, n): if np.ptp(np.diagonal(mat, offset=-off)): return False # we only reach here when all elements # in given diagonal are same return True
# Currently recursive, TODO: improve efficiency
[docs]def is_toeplitz_tensor(tensor, modes=None): """ Checks if ``tensor`` has Toeplitz structure Parameters ---------- tensor : Tensor Input tensor to check Returns ------- Boolean indicating if Toeplitz matrix """ if tensor.order <= 2: return is_toeplitz_matrix( if modes is None: modes = [0, 1] sz = np.asarray(tensor.shape) availmodes = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(sz)), modes) for idx, mode in enumerate(availmodes): dim = sz[mode] # Go through each dim for i in range(dim): t = tensor.access(i, mode) t = Tensor(t) if not(is_toeplitz_tensor(t)): print("Wrong slice: \n{}\n{}".format(t, (i, idx))) return False return True
[docs]def is_super_symmetric(tensor): """ Checks if ``tensor`` has supers-symmetric structure Parameters ---------- tensor : Tensor Input tensor to check Returns ------- Boolean indicating if super-symmetric tensor """ tensor = idx = np.arange(len(tensor.shape)) inds = itertools.permutations(idx) for i in inds: s = np.transpose(tensor, np.array(i)) if not np.allclose(tensor, s, atol=1e-4, equal_nan=True): print("{} \n is not the same as \n {}".format(tensor, s)) return False return True