This module contains useful functions for the iterative tensor routines
and data type conversions
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
from ...core.structures import Tensor, TensorCPD, TensorTKD, TensorTT
def _select_base_function(base):
""" Utility for creating arrays
base : str
Id of base function.
If not one from ``{"arange", "randn", "rand", "ones"}`` then `np.arange` will be used.
Numpy function for creating arrays
return {"arange": np.arange,
"randn": np.random.randn,
"rand": np.random.rand,
"ones": np.ones}.get(base, np.arange)
[docs]def quick_tensor(shape, base="arange"):
""" Simplified creation of generic tensor
shape : tuple
Desired shape of the tensor
base : str
Id of base function that generates values for the tensor.
If not one from ``{"arange", "randn", "rand", "ones"}`` then ``np.arange`` will be used.
tensor : Tensor
>>> from hottbox.utils.generation import quick_tensor
>>> tensor = quick_tensor(shape=(2, 3, 4))
>>> print(tensor)
This tensor is of order 3 and consists of 24 elements.
Sizes and names of its modes are (2, 3, 4) and ['mode-0', 'mode-1', 'mode-2'] respectively.
>>> print(tensor.data)
[[[ 0 1 2 3]
[ 4 5 6 7]
[ 8 9 10 11]]
[[12 13 14 15]
[16 17 18 19]
[20 21 22 23]]]
>>> tensor = quick_tensor(shape=(2, 3, 4), base="ones")
>>> print(tensor)
This tensor is of order 3 and consists of 24 elements.
Sizes and names of its modes are (2, 3, 4) and ['mode-0', 'mode-1', 'mode-2'] respectively.
>>> print(tensor.data)
[[[1. 1. 1. 1.]
[1. 1. 1. 1.]
[1. 1. 1. 1.]]
[[1. 1. 1. 1.]
[1. 1. 1. 1.]
[1. 1. 1. 1.]]]
size = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, shape)
create_ndarray = _select_base_function(base)
array = np.reshape(create_ndarray(size), shape)
tensor = Tensor(array=array)
return tensor
[docs]def quick_tensorcpd(full_shape, rank, base="arange"):
""" Simplified creation of generic tensor in kruskal form
full_shape : tuple
Desired shape of the tensor when it is reconstructed.
Values specify the number of rows of the factor matrices.
rank : tuple
Desired kruskal rank of the tensor. Specifies the number of columns for all factor matrices.
In order to be consistent with the rest of ``hottbox`` should be in form of ``(value,)``
base : str
Id of base function that generates values for the components of kruskal tensor.
If not one from ``{"arange", "randn", "rand", "ones"}`` then ``np.arange`` will be used.
tensor_cpd : TensorCPD
>>> from hottbox.utils.generation import quick_tensorcpd
>>> tensor_cpd = quick_tensorcpd(full_shape=(3, 4, 5), rank=(2,), base="ones")
>>> print(tensor_cpd)
Kruskal representation of a tensor with rank=(2,).
Factor matrices represent properties: ['mode-0', 'mode-1', 'mode-2']
With corresponding latent components described by (3, 4, 5) features respectively.
>>> tensor = tensor_cpd.reconstruct()
>>> print(tensor)
This tensor is of order 3 and consists of 60 elements.
Sizes and names of its modes are (3, 4, 5) and ['mode-0', 'mode-1', 'mode-2'] respectively.
create_ndarray = _select_base_function(base)
fmat_shapes = zip(full_shape, [rank[0] for _ in range(len(full_shape))])
core_values = np.ones(rank[0])
fmat = []
for fmat_shape in fmat_shapes:
size = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, fmat_shape)
fmat.append(np.reshape(create_ndarray(size), fmat_shape))
tensor_cpd = TensorCPD(fmat=fmat, core_values=core_values)
return tensor_cpd
[docs]def quick_tensortkd(full_shape, rank, base="arange"):
""" Simplified creation of generic tensor in tucker form
full_shape : tuple
Desired shape of the tensor when it is reconstructed.
Values specify the number of rows of the factor matrices.
rank : tuple
Desired multi-linear rank of the tensor. Specifies the number of columns for all factor matrices.
Should be of the same length as parameter ``full_shape``
base : str
Id of base function that generates values for the components of tucker tensor.
If not one from ``{"arange", "randn", "rand", "ones"}`` then ``np.arange`` will be used.
tensor_tkd : TensorTKD
>>> from hottbox.utils.generation import quick_tensortkd
>>> tensor_tkd = quick_tensortkd(full_shape=(5, 6, 7), rank=(2, 3, 4), base="ones")
>>> print(tensor_tkd)
Tucker representation of a tensor with multi-linear rank=(2,).
Factor matrices represent properties: ['mode-0', 'mode-1', 'mode-2']
With corresponding latent components described by (5, 6, 7) features respectively.
>>> tensor = tensor_tkd.reconstruct()
>>> print(tensor)
This tensor is of order 3 and consists of 210 elements.
Sizes and names of its modes are (5, 6, 7) and ['mode-0', 'mode-1', 'mode-2'] respectively.
create_ndarray = _select_base_function(base)
fmat_shapes = zip(full_shape, rank)
core_values = np.ones(rank)
fmat = []
for shape in fmat_shapes:
size = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, shape)
fmat.append(np.reshape(create_ndarray(size), shape))
tensor_tkd = TensorTKD(fmat=fmat, core_values=core_values)
return tensor_tkd
[docs]def quick_tensortt(full_shape, rank, base="arange"):
""" Simplified creation of generic tensor in tensor train form
full_shape : tuple
Desired shape of the tensor when it is reconstructed.
rank : tuple
Desired tt rank of the tensor.
base : str
Id of base function that generates values for the components of tensor train tensor.
If not one from ``{"arange", "randn", "rand", "ones"}`` then ``np.arange`` will be used.
tensor_tt : TensorTT
>>> from hottbox.utils.generation import quick_tensortt
>>> tensor_tt = quick_tensortt(full_shape=(3, 4, 5), rank=(2, 3), base="ones")
>>> print(tensor_tt)
Tensor train representation of a tensor with tt-rank=(2, 3).
Shape of this representation in the full format is (3, 4, 5).
Physical modes of its cores represent properties: ['mode-0', 'mode-1', 'mode-2']
>>> tensor = tensor_tt.reconstruct()
>>> print(tensor)
This tensor is of order 3 and consists of 60 elements.
Sizes and names of its modes are (3, 4, 5) and ['mode-0', 'mode-1', 'mode-2'] respectively.
create_ndarray = _select_base_function(base)
tt_ranks_l = rank[:-1]
tt_ranks_r = rank[1:]
number_of_middle_cores = len(tt_ranks_l)
first_core_shape = (full_shape[0], rank[0])
last_core_shape = (rank[-1], full_shape[-1])
middle_cores_shape = [(tt_ranks_l[i], full_shape[i + 1], tt_ranks_r[i]) for i in range(number_of_middle_cores)]
core_shapes = [first_core_shape] + middle_cores_shape + [last_core_shape]
core_values = []
for shape in core_shapes:
size = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, shape)
core_values.append(np.reshape(create_ndarray(size), shape))
tensor_tt = TensorTT(core_values=core_values)
return tensor_tt