Source code for hottbox.utils.generation.special

Helper functions for generating synthetic tensors
import itertools
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz as toeplitz_mat
from hottbox.utils.generation.basic import dense_tensor

def _toeplitz_random(shape, modes, low=None, high=None):
    """ Generate the apppropraite number of Toeplitz matrices
    according to the required shape

    matC: list[np.ndarray]
        List of Toeplitz Matrices
    modes = np.asarray(modes)
    shape = np.asarray(shape)
    matC = []
    if low is None:
        low = 0
    if high is None:
        high = 1000

    matSz = np.asarray(shape)[modes]
    numMats = int([~modes]))
    if matSz[0] == matSz[1]:
        szMult = matSz[0]
    else:  # minimal generation
        szMult = matSz[0]+matSz[1]

    toepVals = np.random.randint(low, high, size=(numMats, szMult))
    for i in range(numMats):
        if matSz[0] == matSz[1]:
            _r, _c = toepVals[i], toepVals[i].ravel().conjugate()
            _c, _r = toepVals[i][:matSz[0]], toepVals[i][matSz[0]:]
        toepMatrix = toeplitz_mat(r=_r, c=_c)
    return matC

[docs]def toeplitz_tensor(shape, modes=None, matC=None, random=False, lh=(None, None)): """ Function to generate a Toeplitz tensor. Every slice along modes will be a Toeplitz matrix. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple(int) Shape of output. If matC is not None, they must match. modes : int or list(int) The mode by which the tensor is expected to be circulant matC : list(np.ndarray) or list(float) (optional) if None, random is set to True. Two input options. random : bool (optional) if true, input matC is ignored lh : tuple(float, float) (optional) used with random to define min and max values """ dim_req = len(shape) if matC is None: random = True if modes is None: modes = [0, 1] if len(shape) == 1: raise ValueError("Toeplitz must have more than one dimension") low, high = lh # Generate a list of Toeplitz matrices if random: matC = _toeplitz_random(shape, modes, low, high) tensor = dense_tensor(shape, 'zeros') matC = np.asarray(matC) if len(shape) == 2: return toeplitz_mat(r=matC, c=matC.ravel().conjugate()) # Fix all axis except modes availmodes = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(dim_req), modes) availsz = np.asarray(shape)[availmodes] all_combs = [] for sz in availsz: all_combs.append(np.arange(sz)) all_combs = list(itertools.product(*all_combs)) tsz = np.product(availsz[1:]) for currmode in range(availsz[0]): modecombs = all_combs[tsz*currmode:tsz*(currmode+1)] for i, m in enumerate(modecombs): tensor.write_subtensor(np.asarray(m), np.asarray(availmodes), matC[i+currmode]) return tensor