import itertools
import numpy as np
from hottbox.core.structures import Tensor, BaseTensorTD
def _predefined_distr(distr, shape):
distr : str
shape : tuple
distrlist = {'uniform': np.random.uniform(size=shape),
'normal': np.random.normal(size=shape),
'triangular': np.random.triangular(-1, 0, 1, size=shape),
'standard-t': np.random.standard_t(10, size=shape),
'ones': np.ones(shape),
'zeros': np.zeros(shape)}
if distr not in distrlist:
raise NameError("The distribution {} is not an available one. "
"Please refer to the list of implementations: {}".format(distr, distrlist.keys()))
return distrlist[distr]
[docs]def dense_tensor(shape, distr='uniform', distr_type=0, fxdind=None):
""" Generates a dense tensor of any dimension and fills it accordingly
shape : tuple
Specifies the dimensions of the tensor
distr : str, optional
Specifies the random generation using a class of the numpy.random module
distr_type : int, optional
Number of indices to not fix. 0 will be applied globally, 1 will apply to fibers, 2 to slices, etc.
Generated tensor according to the parameters specified
# fxdind: fixed indices
if distr_type == 0:
data = _predefined_distr(distr, shape)
data = np.random.uniform(size=shape)
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented in dataset (basic) class')
return Tensor(array=data)
[docs]def sparse_tensor(shape, distr='uniform', distr_type=0, fxdind=None, pct=0.05):
""" Generates a sparse tensor of any dimension and fills it accordingly
shape : tuple
Specifies the dimensions of the tensor
distr : str, optional
Specifies the random generation using a class of the numpy.random module
distr_type : int, optional
Number of indices to not fix. 0 will be applied globally, 1 will apply to fibers, 2 to slices, etc.
pct : float, optional
Percentage of the dataset to be filled
Generated tensor according to the parameters specified
data_size = np.product(shape)
if distr_type == 0:
number_non_zero_values = int(data_size * pct)
data = np.zeros(data_size)
index = np.random.randint(low=0, high=data_size, size=number_non_zero_values)
data[index] = _predefined_distr(distr, number_non_zero_values)
data = data.reshape(shape)
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented in dataset (basic) class')
return Tensor(array=data)
[docs]def super_diagonal_tensor(shape, distr='ones', values=None):
""" Generates a tensor of any dimension with random or specified numbers across the super-diagonal and zeros elsewhere
shape : tuple
Specifies the dimensions of the tensor
``len(shape)`` defines the order of the tensor, whereas its values specify sizes of dimensions of the tensor.
distr : str, optional
Specifies the random generation using a class of the numpy.random module
values : list
Array of values on the super-diagonal of a tensor
Generated tensor according to the parameters specified
if not isinstance(shape, tuple):
raise TypeError("Parameter `shape` should be passed as a tuple!")
if shape[1:] != shape[:-1]:
raise ValueError("All values in `shape` should have the same value!")
inds = shape[0]
data = np.zeros(shape)
if values is None:
values = _predefined_distr(distr, inds)
if len(values) != inds:
raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch! The specified values do not match "
"the specified shape of the tensor provided ({} != {})".format(len(values), inds))
values = np.asarray(values).flatten()
np.fill_diagonal(data, values)
return Tensor(array=data)
[docs]def super_diag_tensor(shape, values=None):
""" Super-diagonal tensor of the specified `order`.
shape : tuple
Desired shape of the tensor.
``len(shape)`` defines the order of the tensor, whereas its values specify sizes of dimensions of the tensor.
values : np.ndarray
Array of values on the super-diagonal of a tensor. By default contains only ones.
Length of this vector defines Kryskal rank which is equal to ``shape[0]``.
tensor : Tensor
order = len(shape)
rank = shape[0]
if not isinstance(shape, tuple):
raise TypeError("Parameter `shape` should be passed as a tuple!")
if not all(mode_size == shape[0] for mode_size in shape):
raise ValueError("All values in `shape` should have the same value!")
if values is None:
values = np.ones(rank) # set default values
elif isinstance(values, np.ndarray):
if values.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("The `values` should be 1-dimensional numpy array!")
if values.size != rank:
raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch! Not enough or too many `values` for the specified `shape`:\n"
"{} != {} (values.size != shape[0])".format(values.size, rank))
raise TypeError("The `values` should be passed as a numpy array!")
core = np.zeros(shape)
core[np.diag_indices(rank, ndim=order)] = values
tensor = Tensor(core)
return tensor
[docs]def super_symmetric_tensor(shape, tensor=None):
""" Generates a tensor of equal dimensions with random or specified numbers, with a specified tensor.
shape : tuple
Specifies the dimensions of the tensor
``len(shape)`` defines the order of the tensor, whereas its values specify sizes of dimensions of the tensor.
tensor : Tensor, optional
Input tensor to be symmetricised
Generated tensor according to the parameters specified
dims = len(shape)
inds = itertools.permutations(np.arange(dims))
inds = np.array(list(inds))
data = np.zeros(shape)
if tensor is None:
tensor = dense_tensor(shape)
for i, _ in enumerate(inds):
data = data + np.transpose(, tuple(inds[i, :]))
return Tensor(array=data)
[docs]def residual_tensor(tensor_orig, tensor_approx):
""" Residual tensor
tensor_orig : Tensor
tensor_approx : {Tensor, TensorCPD, TensorTKD, TensorTT}
residual : Tensor
if not isinstance(tensor_orig, Tensor):
raise TypeError("Unknown data type of original tensor.\n"
"The available type for `tensor_A` is `Tensor`")
# TODO: make use of direct subtraction of tensors
if isinstance(tensor_approx, Tensor):
residual = Tensor( -
elif isinstance(tensor_approx, BaseTensorTD):
residual = Tensor( - tensor_approx.reconstruct().data)
raise TypeError("Unknown data type of the approximation tensor!\n"
"The available types for `tensor_B` are `Tensor`, `TensorCPD`, `TensorTKD`, `TensorTT`")
return residual