import warnings
import scipy
import numpy as np
from hottbox.core.structures import Tensor, TensorTT
from hottbox.utils.generation.basic import residual_tensor
from .base import Decomposition
class BaseTensorTrain(Decomposition):
def __init__(self, verbose):
super(BaseTensorTrain, self).__init__()
self.verbose = verbose
def copy(self):
""" Copy of the Decomposition as a new object """
new_object = super(BaseTensorTrain, self).copy()
return new_object
def name(self):
""" Name of the decomposition
decomposition_name : str
decomposition_name = super(BaseTensorTrain, self).name
return decomposition_name
def converged(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented in base (BaseTensorTrain) class')
def decompose(self, tensor, rank):
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented in base (BaseTensorTrain) class')
def _init_fmat(self, tensor, rank):
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented in base (BaseTensorTrain) class')
def plot(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented in base (BaseTensorTrain) class')
[docs]class TTSVD(BaseTensorTrain):
""" Tensor Train Decomposition.
verbose : bool
def __init__(self, verbose=False) -> None:
super(TTSVD, self).__init__(verbose=verbose)
[docs] def copy(self):
""" Copy of the Decomposition as a new object """
new_object = super(TTSVD, self).copy()
return new_object
def name(self):
""" Name of the decomposition
decomposition_name : str
decomposition_name = super(TTSVD, self).name
return decomposition_name
[docs] def decompose(self, tensor, rank, keep_meta=0):
""" Performs TT-SVD on the `tensor` with respect to the specified `rank`
tensor : Tensor
Multidimensional data to be decomposed
rank : tuple
Desired tt-rank for the given `tensor`
keep_meta : int
Keep meta information about modes of the given `tensor`.
0 - the output will have default values for the meta data
1 - keep only mode names
2 - keep mode names and indices
tensor_tt : TensorTT
Tensor train representation of the `tensor`
Reshaping of the data is performed with respect to the FORTRAN ordering. This makes it easy to compare results
with the MATLAB implementation by Oseledets. This doesn't really matter (apart from time it takes to compute),
as long as we do exactly the opposite for the reconstruction
# TODO: implement using C ordering for the reshape
if not isinstance(tensor, Tensor):
raise TypeError("Parameter `tensor` should be an object of `Tensor` class!")
if not isinstance(rank, tuple):
raise TypeError("Parameter `rank` should be passed as a tuple!")
# since we consider core tensors to be only of order 3
if (tensor.order - 1) != len(rank):
raise ValueError("Incorrect number of values in `rank`:\n"
"{} != {} (tensor.order-1 != len(rank))".format(tensor.order, len(rank)))
# since TT decomposition should compress data
if any(rank[i] > tensor.shape[i] for i in range(len(rank))):
raise ValueError("Some values in `rank` are greater then the corresponding mode sizes of a `tensor`:\n"
"{} > {} (rank > tensor.shape)".format(rank, tensor.shape[:-1]))
if rank[-1] > tensor.shape[-1]:
raise ValueError("The last value in `rank` is greater then the last mode size of a `tensor`:\n"
"{} > {} (rank[-1] > tensor.shape[-1])".format(rank[-1], tensor.shape[-1]))
cores = []
sizes = tensor.shape
rank = (1,) + rank + (1,)
C =
for k in range(tensor.order-1):
rows = rank[k] * sizes[k]
C = np.reshape(C, [rows, -1], order='F')
U, S, V = _svd_tt(C, rank[k + 1])
# Shouldn't slow down much since order of tensors is not big in general
if k == 0:
new_core = np.reshape(U, [sizes[k], rank[k+1]], order='F')
new_core = np.reshape(U, [rank[k], sizes[k], rank[k+1]], order='F')
C =, np.diag(S)).T
new_core = C
tensor_tt = TensorTT(core_values=cores)
if self.verbose:
residual = residual_tensor(tensor, tensor_tt)
print('Relative error of approximation = {}'.format(abs(residual.frob_norm / tensor.frob_norm)))
if keep_meta == 1:
mode_names = {i: for i, mode in enumerate(tensor.modes)}
elif keep_meta == 2:
return tensor_tt
def converged(self):
"The {} algorithm is not iterative algorithm.\n"
"Returning default value (True).".format(, RuntimeWarning
return True
def _init_fmat(self, tensor, rank):
print("The {} algorithm does not required initialisation of factor matrices")
def plot(self):
print('At the moment, `plot()` is not implemented for the {}'.format(
def _svd_tt(matrix, rank):
U, S, V = scipy.linalg.svd(matrix)
U = U[:, :rank]
S = S[:rank]
V = V[:rank, :] # V is transposed of what it should be
return U, S, V.T