Source code for hottbox.algorithms.decomposition.fusion.cmtf

import warnings
import numpy as np
from hottbox.algorithms.decomposition.cpd import BaseCPD
from hottbox.core.structures import Tensor
from hottbox.core.operations import khatri_rao, hadamard
from hottbox.utils.generation.basic import super_diag_tensor

# TODO: Organise this better - lazy work around used
[docs]class CMTF(BaseCPD): """ Coupled Matrix and Tensor factorization for two ``Tensors`` of order n and 2 with respect to a specified `rank`. Computed via alternating least squares (ALS) Parameters ---------- max_iter : int Maximum number of iteration epsilon : float Threshold for the relative error of approximation. tol : float Threshold for convergence of factor matrices random_state : int verbose : bool If True, enable verbose output Attributes ---------- cost : list A list of relative approximation errors at each iteration of the algorithm. References ---------- - Acar, Evrim, Evangelos E. Papalexakis, Gozde Gurdeniz, Morten A. Rasmussen, Anders J. Lawaetz, Mathias Nilsson and Rasmus Bro. “Structure-revealing data fusion.” BMC Bioinformatics (2013). - Jeon, Byungsoo & Jeon, Inah & Sael, Lee & Kang, U. (2016). SCouT: Scalable coupled matrix-tensor factorization—Algorithm and discoveries. Int. Conf. Data Eng.. 811-822. 10.1109/ICDE.2016.7498292. """ # TODO: change init use requiring a change in TensorCPD def __init__(self, max_iter=50, epsilon=10e-3, tol=10e-5, random_state=None, verbose=False) -> None: super(CMTF, self).__init__(init='random', max_iter=max_iter, epsilon=epsilon, tol=tol, random_state=random_state, verbose=verbose) self.cost = []
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copy of the CPD algorithm as a new object """ new_object = super(CMTF, self).copy() new_object.cost = [] return new_object
@property def name(self): """ Name of the decomposition Returns ------- decomposition_name : str """ decomposition_name = super(CMTF, self).name return decomposition_name
[docs] def decompose(self, tensor, mlst, rank): """ Performs factorisation using ALS on the two instances of ``tensor`` with respect to the specified ``rank`` Parameters ---------- tensor : Tensor Multi-dimensional data to be decomposed mlst : List of `Tensor` List of two-dimensional `Tensor` to be decomposed rank : tuple Desired Kruskal rank for the given ``tensor``. Should contain only one value. If it is greater then any of dimensions then random initialisation is used Returns ------- (fmat_a, fmat_b, t_recon, m_recon) : List(np.ndarray) or np.ndarray fmat_a, fmat_b are the list of components obtained by applying CMTF t_recon, m_recon : The reconstructed tensor and list of matrices """ if not isinstance(tensor, Tensor): raise TypeError("Parameter `tensor` should be `Tensor`!") if not isinstance(mlst, list): raise TypeError("Parameter `mlst` should be a list of `Tensor`!") if not isinstance(rank, tuple): raise TypeError("Parameter `rank` should be passed as a tuple!") if len(rank) != 1: raise ValueError("Parameter `rank` should be tuple with only one value!") if not all(isinstance(m, Tensor) for m in mlst): raise TypeError("Parameter `mlst` should be a list of `Tensor`!") if not all(m.order == 2 for m in mlst): raise ValueError("All elements of `mlst` should be of order 2. It is a list of matrices!") modes = np.array([list(m.shape) for m in mlst]) num_modes = len(modes) fmat_a, fmat_b = self._init_fmat(modes[:, 0], modes[:, 1], rank) norm = tensor.frob_norm for n_iter in range(self.max_iter): # Update tensor factors for i in range(num_modes): _v = hadamard([, a_i) for k, a_i in enumerate(fmat_a) if k != i]) _v += fmat_b[i][i]) kr_result = khatri_rao(fmat_a, skip_matrix=i, reverse=True) _prod_a = np.concatenate([tensor.unfold(i, inplace=False).data, mlst[i].data], axis=1) _prod_b = np.concatenate([kr_result.T, fmat_b[i].T], axis=1).T fmat_a[i] = for i in range(num_modes): fmat_b[i] = mlst[i][i]).T) t_recon, m_recon = self._reconstruct(fmat_a, fmat_b, num_modes) residual = np.linalg.norm( for i in range(num_modes): residual += np.linalg.norm(mlst[i].data-m_recon[i].data) self.cost.append(abs(residual)/norm) if self.verbose: print('Iter {}: relative error of approximation = {}'.format(n_iter, self.cost[-1])) # Check termination conditions if self.cost[-1] <= self.epsilon: if self.verbose: print('Relative error of approximation has reached the acceptable level: {}' .format(self.cost[-1])) break if self.converged: if self.verbose: print('Converged in {} iteration(s)'.format(len(self.cost))) break if self.verbose and not self.converged and self.cost[-1] > self.epsilon: print('Maximum number of iterations ({}) has been reached. ' 'Variation = {}'.format(self.max_iter, abs(self.cost[-2] - self.cost[-1]))) # TODO: possibly make another structure return fmat_a, fmat_b, t_recon, m_recon
@property def converged(self): """ Checks convergence of the CPD-ALS algorithm. Returns ------- bool """ # This insures that the cost has been computed at least twice without checking iterations try: is_converged = abs(self.cost[-2] - self.cost[-1]) <= self.tol except IndexError: is_converged = False return is_converged def _init_fmat(self, shape_i, shape_j, rank): """ Initialisation of matrices used in CMTF Parameters ---------- shape_i : np.ndarray(int) Shape[0] of all matrices shape_j : np.ndarray(int) Shape[1] of all matrices rank : int The rank specified for factorisation Returns ------- (fmat_a, fmat_b) : List(np.ndarray) Two lists of the factor matrices """ self.cost = [] # Reset cost every time when method decompose is called _r = rank[0] if (np.array(shape_i) < _r).sum() != 0: warnings.warn( "Specified rank is greater then one of the dimensions of a tensor ({} > {}).\n" "Factor matrices have been initialized randomly.".format(_r, shape_i), RuntimeWarning ) fmat_a = [np.random.randn(i_n, _r) for i_n in shape_i] fmat_b = [np.random.randn(j_n, _r) for j_n in shape_j] return fmat_a, fmat_b @staticmethod def _reconstruct(fmat_a, fmat_b, n_mat): """ Reconstruct the tensor and matrix after the coupled factorisation Parameters ---------- fmat_a : List(np.ndarray) Multidimensional data obtained from the factorisation fmat_b : List(np.ndarray) Multidimensional data obtained from the factorisation n_mat : int Number of matrices provided to fuse Returns ------- (core_tensor, lrecon) : np.ndarray or List(np.ndarray) Reconstructed tensor and list of matrices obtained from the factorisation """ core_values = np.repeat(np.array([1]), fmat_a[0].shape[1]) _r = (fmat_a[0].shape[1], ) core_shape = _r * len(fmat_a) core_tensor = super_diag_tensor(core_shape, values=core_values) for mode, fmat in enumerate(fmat_a): core_tensor.mode_n_product(fmat, mode=mode, inplace=True) lrecon = [Tensor(fmat_a[i].dot(fmat_b[i].T)) for i in range(n_mat)] return core_tensor, lrecon def plot(self): print('At the moment, `plot()` is not implemented for the {}'.format(