import numpy as np
from ...core import Tensor
from .base import Classifier
[docs]class LSSTM(Classifier):
""" Least Squares Support Tensor Machine (LS-STM) for binary classification.
C : float
Penalty parameter of the error term.
tol : float
Tolerance for stopping criterion.
max_iter : int
Hard limit on iterations within solver.
probability : bool
Whether to enable probability estimates. This must be enabled prior
to calling ``fit``, and will slow down that method.
verbose : bool
Enable verbose output.
weights_ : list[np.ndarray]
List of weights for each mode of the training data.
bias_ : np.float64
eta_history_ : np.ndarray
bias_history_ : np.ndarray
- Cichocki, Andrzej, et al. "Tensor networks for dimensionality reduction and large-scale optimization:
Part 2 applications and future perspectives." Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning 9.6 (2017): 431-673.
def __init__(self, C=1, tol=1e-3, max_iter=100, probability=False, verbose=False):
super(LSSTM, self).__init__(probability=probability,
self.C = C
self.tol = tol
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.bias_ = None
self.weights_ = None
self.eta_history_ = None
self.bias_history_ = None
self._orig_labels = None
[docs] def fit(self, X, y):
""" Fit the LS-STM model according to the given data.
X : list[Tensor]
List of training samples of the same order and size.
y : np.ndarray
Target values relative to X for classification.
self._assert_train_data(X=X, y=y)
# Convert binary labels to -1 and 1 (provides better results then 1 and 0)
# This also allows to pass labels as stings
self._orig_labels = list(set(y))
y = np.array([1 if x == self._orig_labels[0] else -1 for x in y])
# Initialise weights
self.weights_ = [np.random.randn(dim) for dim in X[0].shape]
eta_history = []
bias_history = []
for n_iter in range(self.max_iter):
eta_iter = []
bias = 0 # no need to track bias for different modes
for mode_n in range(X[0].order):
X_m = self._compute_X_m(X, skip_mode=mode_n)
eta = self._compute_eta(skip_mode=mode_n)
# Update LS-STM model weights on the fly
self.weights_[mode_n], bias = self._ls_optimizer(X_m, eta, y)
# Extend history for and check for convergence
if n_iter > 10:
err1 = np.diff(eta_history[-2:], axis=0)
err2 = bias_history[-2] - bias_history[-1]
if np.all(np.abs(err1) <= self.tol) and abs(err2) <= self.tol:
self.bias_ = bias_history[-1]
self.bias_history_ = np.array(bias_history)
self.eta_history_ = np.array(eta_history)
return self
[docs] def predict(self, X):
""" Predict the class labels for the provided data.
X : list[Tensor]
List of test samples.
y_pred : np.ndarray
Class labels for samples in X.
y_pred = []
for test_sample in X:
temp = test_sample.copy()
for mode_n in range(X[0].order):
# TODO: this could be simplified when 'hottbox' will support mode-n product with a vector
temp.mode_n_product(np.expand_dims(self.weights_[mode_n], axis=0), mode=mode_n, inplace=True)
y_pred.append(np.sign( + self.bias_))
y_pred = np.array([self._orig_labels[0] if x == 1 else self._orig_labels[1] for x in y_pred])
return y_pred
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X):
""" Compute probabilities of possible outcomes for samples in the provided data. """
return super(LSSTM, self).predict_proba(X=X)
[docs] def score(self, X, y):
""" Returns the mean accuracy on the given test data and labels.
X : list[Tensor]
List of test samples.
y : np.ndarray
True labels for test samples.
acc : np.float64
Mean accuracy of ``self.predict(X)`` with respect to ``y``.
self._assert_test_data(X=X, y=y)
if not np.unique(y) in np.unique(self._orig_labels):
raise ValueError("Provided set of labels is inconsistent with the those this {} instance was trained on!!!"
"Got {}, whereas {} expected".format(,
y_pred = self.predict(X)
acc = np.sum(y_pred == y) / y.size
return acc
[docs] def set_params(self, **params):
super(LSSTM, self).set_params(**params)
[docs] def get_params(self):
return super(LSSTM, self).get_params()
# TODO: Implementation of data input validation should be generalised.
# Data/model is validated twice when `score` method is called since it
# is based on `predict` method.
def _assert_train_data(self, X, y):
""" Validate train data
X : list[Tensor]
List of multi-dimensional training samples.
y : np.ndarray
List of corresponding labels.
self._assert_samples_vs_labels(X, y)
def _assert_test_data(self, X, y=None):
""" Validate test data
X : list[Tensor]
List of multi-dimensional test samples.
y : np.ndarray
True labels for test samples.
if self.weights_ is None:
raise ValueError("This {} instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with "
"appropriate arguments before using this method.".format(
if y is not None:
self._assert_samples_vs_labels(X=X, y=y)
# Check that all samples in 'X' are of the same shape as during training.
# By this point we have already made sure that samples in 'X' are of the same shape.
weights_shape = tuple([w.shape[0] for w in self.weights_])
if weights_shape != X[0].shape:
raise ValueError("This {} instance has been trained of data of different shape. "
"Got {}, whereas {} is expected.".format(,
def _assert_data_samples(X):
""" Checks if all samples have same shape and order.
X : list[Tensor]
List of multi-dimensional data samples.
if not isinstance(X, list):
raise TypeError("All data samples should be passed as a list")
if not all([isinstance(sample, Tensor) for sample in X]):
raise TypeError("All data samples should be of `Tensor` class")
if not all([sample.order == X[0].order for sample in X]):
raise ValueError("All data samples should be of the same order")
if not all([sample.shape == X[0].shape for sample in X]):
raise ValueError("All data samples should be of the same shape")
def _assert_data_labels(y):
""" Checks if labels form a binary set.
y : np.ndarray
List of labels for training data.
if np.unique(y).size > 2:
raise ValueError("This is a binary classifier. Provided labels do not form a binary set")
def _assert_samples_vs_labels(X, y):
if y.size != len(X):
raise ValueError("Number of provided labels should be equal to a number of data samples."
"Got {} labels, whereas {} is expected".format(y.size,
def _compute_eta(self, skip_mode):
""" Compute an upper bound of margin errors.
skip_mode : int
The mode for which LS-STM optimisation problem needs to be solved.
eta : np.float64
An upper bound of margin errors.
eta = 1
for mode in range(len(self.weights_)):
if mode != skip_mode:
eta *= (np.linalg.norm(self.weights_[mode]) ** 2)
return eta
def _compute_X_m(self, X, skip_mode):
""" Contract multi-dimensional data samples with weights.
X : list[Tensor]
List of all multi-dimensional data samples.
skip_mode : int
The mode for which contraction is skipped.
X_m : np.ndarray
Matrix of contracted samples with weights along all modes except the ``skip_mode``.
Has a shape ``(M, N)`` where ``M = len(X)`` and ``N = X[0].shape[skip_mode]``
X_m = np.zeros((len(X), X[0].shape[skip_mode]))
for i, tensor in enumerate(X):
temp = tensor.copy()
for mode in range(X[0].order):
if mode != skip_mode:
# TODO: this could be simplified when 'hottbox' will support mode-n product with a vector
temp.mode_n_product(np.expand_dims(self.weights_[mode], axis=0), mode=mode, inplace=True)
X_m[i, :] =
return X_m
# TODO: potentially can be put in a separate module in order to be reused
def _ls_optimizer(self, X_m, eta, labels):
""" Solves LS-STM optimization problem for mode-n.
X_m : np.ndarray
Matrix of contracted tensor-samples with weights along all
modes except the current one.
eta : np.float64
An upper bound of margin errors.
labels : np.ndarray
The labels of the training data.
weights : np.ndarray
Weights assigned to the features with respect to mode-n.
bias : np.float64
Constant in decision function.
Formulation of LS-STM for mode-n is equivalent to formulation of Least Squares
Support Vector Machine.
M = X_m.shape[0]
ones_row = np.ones(M)
ones_col = np.expand_dims(ones_row, axis=1)
identity = np.identity(M)
# Kernel matrix (Linear for now)
omega =, X_m.transpose())
# We flip this around to simplify expression for matrix construction
gamma = eta / self.C
# Constructing a linear system (LHS x [bias, weights]^T = RHS)
top = np.hstack([0, ones_row])
bottom = np.hstack([ones_col, omega + gamma * identity])
left_hand_side = np.vstack([top, bottom])
right_hand_side = np.expand_dims(np.hstack([0, labels]), axis=1)
# Obtain Lagrange multipliers
alphas =, right_hand_side)
weights = np.sum(alphas[1:, :] * X_m, axis=0)
bias = alphas[0, 0]
return weights, bias