Source code for hottbox.algorithms.classification.ensemble_learning

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, StratifiedShuffleSplit
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from ...core.structures import BaseTensorTD, TensorCPD, TensorTKD

from .base import Classifier

class BaseTensorEnsembleClassifier(Classifier):
    This is general interface for all classes that describe tensor ensemble learning algorithms.

    base_clf : list[SklearnClassifier]
        List of classifiers
    probability : bool
        Whether to enable probability estimates. This must be enabled prior
        to calling `fit`, and will slow down that method.
    verbose : bool
        Enable verbose output.

    def __init__(self, base_clf, probability, verbose):
        self._validate_input_params(base_clf=base_clf, probability=probability)
        self._sync_base_clf_probability(base_clf=base_clf, probability=probability)
        super(BaseTensorEnsembleClassifier, self).__init__(probability=probability,
        self.base_clf = base_clf

    def __str__(self):
        self_as_string = "{}(base_clf={}, probability={}".format(,
        return self_as_string

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

    def _sync_base_clf_probability(base_clf, probability):
        """ Enable or disable probability estimation for the base classifiers

        base_clf : list[SklearnClassifier]
        probability : bool
        for clf in base_clf:
            # clf.set_params(probability=probability)
            # Apparently, not all sklearn classes require to set probability  to `True`
            # TODO: throw a warning?
            if hasattr(clf, 'probability'):

    def _validate_input_params(base_clf, probability):
        """ Validate input parameters for the TEL constructor

        base_clf : list[SklearnClassifier]
        if not isinstance(base_clf, list):
            raise TypeError('Input parameter `base_clf` should be a list')

        # Check that all base classifiers have required api
        if probability:
            required_api = {'fit', 'predict', 'predict_proba'}
            required_api = {'fit', 'predict'}
        for i, clf in enumerate(base_clf):
            all_attr = dir(clf)
            if not required_api.issubset(all_attr):
                missing_api = [api for api in required_api if api not in all_attr]
                raise ValueError('Base classifier #{}: does not support required API ({})!!!\n'
                                 'Missing methods are: {}'.format(i, required_api, missing_api))

    def name_base_clf(self):
        """ Get names of all employed base classifiers

        names : list[str]
        names = [clf.__class__.__name__ for clf in self.base_clf]
        return names

    def get_params_base_clf(self, i):
        """ Get parameters of an employed base classifier

        i : int
            Specifies a base classifier which parameters are or interest

        base_clf_params : dict
        base_clf_params = self.base_clf[i].get_params()
        return base_clf_params

    def set_params_base_clf(self, params, i):
        """ Set parameters of an employed base classifier

        params : dict
            Dictionary with parameters for the base classifier
        i : int
            Specifies a base classifier for which the parameters are to be changed

    def fit(self, X, y):
        """ Train all base classifiers at once

        X : list[BaseTensorTD]
        y : np.ndarray

        X_list = self.decomp_to_array(X)
        for i, X_new in enumerate(X_list):
        return self

    def fit_base_clf(self, X, y, clf_num):
        """ Train specific base classifier

        X : np.ndarray, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
        y : np.ndarray
            Target relative to X for classification
        clf_num : int
            Positional number of the base classifier to be used

        if self.verbose:
            print('Base classifier #{} ({}): Learning model parameters'.format(clf_num, self.name_base_clf[clf_num]))
        self.base_clf[clf_num].fit(X, y)
        return self

    def predict(self, X):
        X_list = self.decomp_to_array(X)
        all_labels = np.empty((len(X), len(X_list)), dtype=np.int8)
        for i, X_new in enumerate(X_list):
            all_labels[:, i] = self.predict_base_clf(X=X_new,
        # Find the most frequent values along each row of a matrix of labels from each base classifier
        axis = 1
        u, indices = np.unique(all_labels, return_inverse=True)
        y_pred = u[np.argmax(np.apply_along_axis(np.bincount,
                                                 np.max(indices) + 1),
        return y_pred

    def predict_base_clf(self, X, clf_num):
        """ Perform classification on samples in X on a specific base classifier

        X : np.ndarray, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Test data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
        clf_num : int
            Positional number of the base classifier is to be used

            Class labels for samples in X.
        return self.base_clf[clf_num].predict(X)

    def predict_proba(self, X):
        X_list = self.decomp_to_array(X)
        n_estimators = len(X_list)
        rows = X_list[0].shape[0]
        cols = self.base_clf[0].classes_.size
        y_pred_proba = np.zeros((rows, cols))
        for i, X_new in enumerate(X_list):
            y_pred_proba += self.predict_proba_base_clf(X=X_new,
        y_pred_proba = np.divide(y_pred_proba, n_estimators)
        return y_pred_proba

    def predict_proba_base_clf(self, X, clf_num):
        """ Compute probabilities of possible outcomes for samples in X on a specific base classifier

        X : np.ndarray, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Test data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
        clf_num : int
            Positional number of the base classifier is to be used

            Returns the probability of the sample for each class in
            the model. The columns correspond to the classes in sorted
            order, as they appear in the attribute `base_clf[clf_num].classes_`.
        return self.base_clf[clf_num].predict_proba(X)

    def score(self, X, y):
        """ Returns the mean accuracy on the given test data and labels.

        X : list[BaseTensorTD]
        y : np.ndarray

        acc = np.ndarray
        if self.probability:
            pred_proba = self.predict_proba(X)
            y_pred = self._proba_to_label(pred_proba)
            y_pred = self.predict(X)
        acc = accuracy_score(y, y_pred)
        return acc

    def grid_search(self, X, y, search_params, cv_params=None, inplace=True, n_jobs=-1):
        if not isinstance(search_params, list):
            raise TypeError('Input parameter `search_params` should be a list of grid params')
        if len(search_params) != len(self.base_clf):
            raise ValueError('Wrong number of searching params for the hyperparameter tuning of all base classifiers!!!\n'
                             '{} dicts of searching params are required, '
                             'whereas, {} dicts have been provided'.format(len(self.base_clf), len(search_params)))
        X_new = self.decomp_to_array(X)
        best_params_list = []
        for i in range(0, len(X_new)):
            best_params = self.grid_search_base_clf(X=X_new[i],
        return best_params_list

    # TODO: not sure whether default values is the good idea here
    def grid_search_base_clf(self, X, y, search_params, clf_num, cv_params=None, inplace=True, n_jobs=-1):
        """ Perform hyper parameter search with cross-validation for the specified base classifier.
        Parameter setting that gave the best results on the hold out data are assigned to this base classifier

        X : np.ndarray, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
        y : np.ndarray
            Target relative to X for classification
        search_params : dict
            Parameters names (string) as keys and lists of parameter settings to try as values
        clf_num : int
            Positional number of the base classifier which hyperparameters are to be tuned
        cv_params : dict
            Dictionary with kwargs that determine the cross-validation splitting strategy.
        inplace : bool
            If True, assign parameter setting that gave the best results on the hold out data to the base classifier
        n_jobs : int
            Number of jobs to run in parallel

            Parameter setting that gave the best results on the hold out data
        if self.verbose:
            print('Base classifier #{} ({}): Tuning the hyperparameters'.format(clf_num, self.name_base_clf[clf_num]))
        if not isinstance(search_params, dict):
            raise TypeError('Input parameter `search_params` should be a dict of parameters names (string) as keys '
                            'and lists of parameter settings to try as values')
        if cv_params is None:
            # Default parameters for cross-validation
            cv_params = dict(n_splits=1, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
        cv = StratifiedShuffleSplit(**cv_params)
        grid = GridSearchCV(self.base_clf[clf_num],
                            ), y)
        if inplace:
            self.set_params_base_clf(grid.best_params_, clf_num)
        return grid.best_params_

    def _decomp_to_array(self, decomp_list):
        """ Construct new datasets based on factor vectors of each tensor factorisation from the `decomp_list`.

        decomp_list : list[BaseTensorTD]
            List of tensor factorisations of all samples

        This method should implement all manipulations with rearranging factor vectors. This should take into account
        the type of decomposition used prior the classification
        raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented in base (BaseEnsembleClassifier) class')

    def decomp_to_array(self, decomp_list):

        data_list = self._decomp_to_array(decomp_list)
        if len(self.base_clf) != len(data_list):
            raise ValueError('Not enough base classifiers!!!\n'
                             'During object creation there had been specified {} base classifiers.\n'
                             'Whereas {} base classifiers are required for the {} classifier.'
                             ''.format(len(self.base_clf), len(data_list),
        return data_list

    def _proba_to_label(self, pred_proba):
        """ Assign label with respect to the highest probability among all classes in the model

        pred_proba : np.ndarray
            Output of the self.predict_proba(). That is: probability of the sample for each class in the model.
            The columns correspond to the classes in sorted order, as they appear in the attribute

        y_pred : np.ndarray
        df = pd.DataFrame(data=pred_proba, columns=self.base_clf[0].classes_)
        y_pred = df.idxmax(axis=1).as_matrix()
        return y_pred

    # Hacky way of getting predict_proba to raise an AttributeError when
    # probability=False using properties. Do not use this in new code; when
    # probabilities are not available depending on a setting, introduce two
    # estimators.
    def _check_proba(self):
        if not self.probability:
            raise AttributeError('`predict_proba` is not available when `probability=False`')

[docs]class TelVI(BaseTensorEnsembleClassifier): """ Tensor Ensemble Learning: Vectors Independently (TelVI) Parameters ---------- base_clf : list[SklearnClassifier] List of classifiers that will be used for the corresponding collection of the factor vectors of the tensor decomposition. This list does not have to be heterogeneous. However, all classifiers should support sklearn API. Length of this list should be equal to the number of collection of the factor vectors, otherwise an exception will be thrown. This is checked after the data have been splitted inside `decomp_to_array` method (called from `fit`, `predict`, `predict_proba`, `grid_search_base_clf`) probability : bool Whether to enable probability estimates. This must be enabled prior to calling `fit`, and will slow down that method. verbose : bool Enable verbose output. References ---------- - Ilia Kisil, Ahmad Moniri, Danilo P. Mandic. "Tensor Ensemble Learning for Multidimensional Data." In 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), pp. 1358-1362. IEEE, 2018. """ def __init__(self, base_clf, probability=False, verbose=False): super(TelVI, self).__init__(base_clf=base_clf, probability=probability, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def get_params_base_clf(self, i=-1): """ Get parameters of employed base classifier Parameters ---------- i : int Positional number of the base classifier. By default outputs parameters for all base classifiers Returns ------- Union[list[dict], dict] """ if i < 0: return [super(TelVI, self).get_params_base_clf(i=clf_num) for clf_num in range(len(self.base_clf))] else: return super(TelVI, self).get_params_base_clf(i=i)
[docs] def set_params_base_clf(self, params, i): """ Set parameters for the specified base classifier Parameters ---------- i : int Positional number of the base classifier. params : dict Dictionary with parameters for the base classifier """ super(TelVI, self).set_params_base_clf(params=params, i=i)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Fit specified classification models according to the given training data. Parameters ---------- X : {list[TensorCPD], list[TensorTKD]} List of training samples each of which is represented through a tensor factorisation y : np.ndarray Target relative to X for classification Returns ------- self : object """ super(TelVI, self).fit(X=X, y=y) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): """ Perform classification on samples in X. Parameters ---------- X : {list[TensorCPD], list[TensorTKD]} List of training samples each of which is represented through a tensor factorisation Returns ------- y_pred : np.ndarray Class labels for samples in X. """ y_pred = super(TelVI, self).predict(X=X) return y_pred
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """ Compute probabilities of possible outcomes for samples in X. Parameters ---------- X : {list[TensorCPD], list[TensorTKD]} List of training samples each of which is represented through a tensor factorisation Returns ------- y_pred_proba : np.ndarray Returns the probability of the sample for each class in the model. The columns correspond to the classes in sorted order, as they appear in the attribute `base_clf[i].classes_`. """ y_pred_proba = super(TelVI, self).predict_proba(X=X) return y_pred_proba
[docs] def score(self, X, y): acc = super(TelVI, self).score(X, y) return acc
def decomp_to_array(self, decomp_list): data_list = super(TelVI, self).decomp_to_array(decomp_list=decomp_list) return data_list def _decomp_to_array(self, decomp_list): """ Combine respective column vectors of factor matrices for all tensor factorisations. Each factor vector is treated as sample. Corresponding factor matrices should be of the same shape Parameters ---------- decomp_list : {list[TensorCPD], list[TensorTKD]} List of tensor factorisations of all samples Returns ------- data_list : list[np.ndarray] Notes ------- Each element of the `decomp_list` is the tensor factorisation of a sample. We do unfolding of tensor factorisation, i.e. unfold each factor matrix and stack them together in a long row vector. Then we stack these vectors into a matrix [sample \\times tensor features]. Then split this matrix in accordance with the lengths of factor vectors of the original decomposition """ sample_decomp = decomp_list[0] row = np.array([]) for fmat in sample_decomp.fmat: row = np.append(row, fmat.T.flatten()) # Transpose is crucial data = row for sample in range(1, len(decomp_list)): sample_decomp = decomp_list[sample] row = np.array([]) for fmat in sample_decomp.fmat: row = np.append(row, fmat.T.flatten()) # Transpose is crucial data = np.vstack((data, row)) # Create list of column indices for splitting different factor vectors split_idx = [0] # this is the offset for the first split index for fmat in sample_decomp.fmat: i, j = fmat.shape split_idx = split_idx + [split_idx[-1] + i*x for x in range(1, j+1)] # Don't need the last index in order to avoid an empty element when np.hsplit is called split_idx = split_idx[1:-1] data_list = np.hsplit(data, split_idx) return data_list
[docs]class TelVAC(BaseTensorEnsembleClassifier): def __init__(self, base_clf, probability=True, verbose=True): super(TelVAC, self).__init__(base_clf=base_clf, probability=probability, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def get_params_base_clf(self, i=-1): """ Get parameters of employed base classifier Parameters ---------- i : int Positional number of the base classifier. By default outputs parameters for all base classifiers Returns ------- Union[list[dict], dict] """ if i < 0: return [super(TelVAC, self).get_params_base_clf(i=clf_num) for clf_num in range(len(self.base_clf))] else: return super(TelVAC, self).get_params_base_clf(i=i)
[docs] def set_params_base_clf(self, params, i): """ Set parameters for the specified base classifier Parameters ---------- i : int Positional number of the base classifier. params : dict Dictionary with parameters for the base classifier """ super(TelVAC, self).set_params_base_clf(params=params, i=i)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Fit specified classification models according to the given training data. Parameters ---------- X : list[BaseTensorTD] List of training samples each of which is represented through a tensor factorisation y : np.ndarray Target relative to X for classification Returns ------- self : object """ super(TelVAC, self).fit(X=X, y=y) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): """ Perform classification on samples in X. Parameters ---------- X : list[BaseTensorTD] List of training samples each of which is represented through a tensor factorisation Returns ------- y_pred : np.ndarray Class labels for samples in X. """ y_pred = super(TelVAC, self).predict(X=X) return y_pred
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """ Compute probabilities of possible outcomes for samples in X. Parameters ---------- X : list[BaseTensorTD] List of training samples each of which is represented through a tensor factorisation Returns ------- y_pred_proba : np.ndarray Returns the probability of the sample for each class in the model. The columns correspond to the classes in sorted order, as they appear in the attribute `base_clf[i].classes_`. """ y_pred_proba = super(TelVAC, self).predict_proba(X=X) return y_pred_proba
[docs] def score(self, X, y): acc = super(TelVAC, self).score(X, y) return acc
def decomp_to_array(self, decomp_list): data_list = super(TelVAC, self).decomp_to_array(decomp_list=decomp_list) return data_list def _decomp_to_array(self, decomp_list): """ Combine column vectors of factor matrices for all tensor factorisations. Each combination belongs to different dataset. Each factor vector is treated as sample. Corresponding factor matrices should be of the same shape Parameters ---------- decomp_list : {list[TensorCPD], list[TensorTKD]} List of tensor factorisations of all samples Returns ------- data_list : list[np.ndarray] List of new datasets of shape [n_samples, n_features]. Each sample is the combination of one factor vector from each of the factor matrices of the tensor factorisation for a given sample. len(data_list) = n_new_samples data_list[i].shape = [n_samples, n_new_features] Notes ------- Each element of the `decomp_list` is a sample represented through a tensor factorisation. Each factor vector of each factor matrix of such decomposition is treated as a sample. Next we combine factor vectors from different factor matrices into a new sample by concatenating these factor vectors. Finally, we repeat this for each sample from the `decomp_list` and stack vertically the corresponding new samples. For each sample, the combination of vectors from several np.ndarrays is implemented as proposed in This results in a matrix [n_new_samples, n_new_features]. Next unfold this matrix into a row vector. Concatenated obtained rows for each sample from `decomp_list`. Finally, split the obtained array into a set of new datasets. """ sample_decomp = decomp_list[0] # Original sample_decomp.fmat[i] takes form [n_features, n_vectors], n_vectors are treated as samples n_list = [fmat.T.shape[0] for fmat in sample_decomp.fmat] # list of numbers of factor vectors (samples) m_list = [fmat.T.shape[1] for fmat in sample_decomp.fmat] # list of numbers of features in each factor vector # new number of samples (all combinations of all factor vectors from different factor matrices) rows = np.asscalar( # new number of features (sum of features in each ) cols = np.asscalar(np.sum(np.array(m_list))) arrays = [np.arange(n) for n in n_list] idx = np.meshgrid(*arrays, indexing='ij') A = sample_decomp.fmat[0].T # Transpose is crucial B = sample_decomp.fmat[1].T # Transpose is crucial C = sample_decomp.fmat[2].T # Transpose is crucial temp = np.concatenate((A[idx[0], :], B[idx[1], :], C[idx[2], :]), axis=-1).reshape(rows, cols) data = temp.flatten() for sample in range(1, len(decomp_list)): sample_decomp = decomp_list[sample] A = sample_decomp.fmat[0].T # Transpose is crucial B = sample_decomp.fmat[1].T # Transpose is crucial C = sample_decomp.fmat[2].T # Transpose is crucial temp = np.concatenate((A[idx[0], :], B[idx[1], :], C[idx[2], :]), axis=-1).reshape(rows, cols) data = np.vstack((data, temp.flatten())) split_idx = np.arange(0, rows*cols+1, cols) data_list = np.hsplit(data, split_idx[1:-1]) return data_list